Polskie Ratownictwo Okretowe Ltd. (sp. z o. o.) is the operator of modern, specialized AHTS tugs – Anchor Handling Tug Supply and the owner of the largest 330 tons floating crane on the Baltic Sea.
Polskie Ratownictwo Okretowe Ltd. (sp. z o.o.) is the employer of seafarers employed on the basis of seafarer’s employment agreement on the floating crane MAJA flying the Polish Flag.
If you are interested in working on the floating crane MAJA, please send the Application Form on the address application@progdynia.pl.
On the AHTS vessels flying the Maltese Flag, seafarers are employed on the fixed-term seafarer’s employment agreement directly by the company M.R.T. Shipping Ltd. with registered address and effective management in Malta.
Seafarers interested in working on the AHTS vessels flying the Maltese Flag may send the Application Form on the address application@mrt.com.mt.
Contact details of M.R.T. Shipping Ltd.: Director Rafał Świerszcz mobile: +356 79792919 email office@mrt.com.mt
General list of basic qualification requirements for the seafarers – Annex No 8 is P-04.